The environmental studies for the Ashburton Salt project are progressing well with most baseline work at an advanced stage.

These studies, which show the characteristics of the existing environment on and around the project area, will inform the development of K+S Salt Australia’s Environmental Management Plans for the project.

Project Environmental Manager, Laura Todd said the team had been progressing with various environmental studies, since the approval of the project’s Environmental Scoping Document in early 2018.

“The next stages of these studies will continue into early next year, after which we will be able to assess potential impacts as well as identify any necessary mitigation strategies,” said Laura.

“We are committed to sharing the results of these studies throughout this process.”

“Our recent visit to Exmouth was the perfect opportunity to provide the local community with an update even though final reports have not been completed.”

“The importance of a transparent process means that we will share study results as and when they become available to us.”

Although most studies are now well advanced, due to a particularly dry wet season and other environmental factors some research will require another season of baselining before progressing to the next stages of the process.

Laura said the project’s Public Environmental Review document should be released for public comment in late 2020 or early 2021, however the exact timing would depend on the WA Environment Protection Authority. For more information on the status of the project click here.

For more information regarding the progress to date, and for a copy of the presentation shared at the Exmouth Community Session click here.