Thank you to everyone who came to speak to us at the Passion of the Pilbara festival in Onslow recently.
Many locals dropped by the K+S Ashburton Salt – Stronger with Salt tent and took the time to share ideas with us about how they thought their community could be stronger with salt.
Our team had plenty of salty popcorn for the people who spoke with us, and an interactive ideas wall for everyone to contribute to stronger community ideas. Congratulations to the local Onslow resident, Edel Maher, who won a $250 Onslow Sports Club voucher.
The Passion of the Pilbara (POP) is held every second year. The event is an opportunity for the people of the Pilbara to come together for a two-day festival in Onslow which includes activities, performances and market stalls.
We decided this would be the perfect opportunity to meet and greet residents in a more relaxed setting.
K+S Salt Australia Managing Director Gerrit Gödecke said he thought participating in such a fantastic event was important for the Ashburton Salt team.
“Meeting the people in the community we will be operating in is so important for us,” Mr Gödecke
“We are proud to be part of the Pilbara and reading the ideas people have for a stronger community has been really interesting for the team.”
“The Ashburton Salt team enjoyed attending the POP and I don’t think this will be the last time we make the trip up for the festival,” he said.
Our team travels to Exmouth and Onslow regularly to provide updates on the Ashburton Salt project.
We are committed to helping build a community that is stronger with salt, through better engagement, more jobs and economic growth.
To stay up to the date with the project and our travel plans subscribe to our mailing list.
We would like to pay our respects to the Thalanyji people for hosting us on their custodial lands during the event.